The Adventures of Mom and Dad's Bed

I am the author of the children’s book affectionately named The Adventures of Mom and Dad’s Bed. It is a wonderful bedtime storybook that celebrates the memorable moments spent in mom and dad’s bed. It is a universal story that families across cultures can identify with and because these experiences are timeless, it creates an instant bond between loved ones at story time.
As someone who spent over 13 years developing and supervising Family Support programs for families with children with disabilities my commitment to family has deepened. As a parent, seeing how special our bed has been to our children has, at times, left me with total amazement and my love, appreciation, and respect for the power of togetherness has grown.
By seeing firsthand how imaginations flourish and how the magical healing and protective powers of mom and dad’s bed has shaped our children’s lives, I felt compelled to share my story.

Tazee Mahjied